COM – Planning and managing effective meetings

Training course introduction

Meetings are increasingly important in the every-day life, as processes inside  organizations are becoming more and more interconnected.

The difficulties people encounter in managing meetings leave behind them a widespread sense of frustration: doubts about the real need for a meeting, endless discussions on issues where no-one wants to give in, next steps not clearly defined, agenda changing during the meeting are all indicator of a need for management skills development.

This training course is designed to help people in charge of management and professional roles improve team work and problem-solving skills through effective meeting management.


To support the development of skills related to planning and managing effective meetings.


People in charge of management and professional roles called upon to manage effective meetings or take part to them.

Training languages

English, Italian


The effective meeting

  • What is it, what is the purpose
  • The various types of meetings
  • A team is better than a person
  • Why a meeting fails
  • The three main roles

Preparing the meeting

  • Defining objectives and agenda
  • Identifying participants
  • Estimating duration
  • How to call a meeting

Managing the meeting

  • Role of the chairperson, the secretary and participants
  • The dynamics of communication, both verbal and non-verbal
  • Problem solving
  • Using questions to develop options and identifying solutions
  • Handling objections
  • Using clarification, verification and reformulation to clarify the contents
  • Encouraging the contribution of all the participants
  • Tips and traps
  • The conclusion: summarizing, sharing results, identifying next steps and related responsibilities

After the meeting

  • The minutes of the meeting: who, when, how
  • The meeting follow up

Training method

  • Learning by experience
  • The trainer helps participants to “discover” the various topics and to face situations that are technically similar to those they are used to deal with or they are expected to


Two days or more, according to the Client’s needs


Arduino Mancini

Le definizioni presentate nel glossario non hanno la pretesa di essere esaustive o rigorose: esse sono riportate nella forma impiegata nei contesti in cui mi sono trovato a operare e intendono rappresentare un semplice aiuto per quanti vogliano sapere di più circa il significato di alcuni termini incontrati sul blog.