HRM – Building and managing a team

Training course introduction

Team building and managing are processes extremely important for company results. In a team, people with different know-how, competences and experiences, share their knowledge to efficiently achieve specific goals. A team can feature different characteristics, closely linked to organization specific needs. Following are the most common team classification:

  • functional team – role and people defined by the organizational structure;
  • interfunctional team – it brings together competences and experiences useful for finding solution to specific issues;
  • project team – to manage and support projects involving R&D and/or new products/services;
  • change project team – to manage or support change projects within the organization;
  • partnering team – to plan and/or build partnerships aimed at new market projects.

These teams are quite different from each other, and it is not possible to define just one training model. Training course planning should always consider specific organization goals and the competences /experiences of people involved. Therefore, we present here below some general project lines.


To support the development of know-how and competences aimed at building and managing a team to achieve specific goals


Department heads, professionals or specialists who are members of a team or lead/may be leading a team. Furthermore, the course can be useful to Human Resources specialists involved in personnel development or change management projects.

Training languages

English, Italian


What is a team

  • definition
  • when a team is necessary
  • defining the team mission

Teams in the organization: an overview

  • the functional team
  • the interfunctional team
  • project team
    • R&D, new products/services
    • change management within the organization
  • partnering teams

The participants

  • competence and specific know-how needed
  • identifying roles and company function involved
  • people’s motivation to participate
  • members outside the organization, if any
  • the team leader

The team goals

  • definition, communication, sharing
  • consistency with the goals of the organization

Team effectiveness and motivation

  • communication and sharing of
    • team goals and mission
    • roles and responsibilities
  • availability of resources
    • operational tools
    • specific know-how
    • adequate skills/competences
  • team work aptitude
    • cooperation
    • accepting/welcoming different views
    • effective communication
  • engaging decision-making process
    • searching for the best solution
    • encouraging contribution from all participants
    • clearly defined responsibilities

Identifying and classifying conflict

  • potential, latent or manifest
  • constructive and destructive
  • personal or interfunctional
  • within and/or outside the organization

Conflict management

  • laissez-faire
  • the “settlement”
  • the “top-down” solution
  • the collaborative approach

The team leader

  • profile definition according to the type of team
  • competences
  • leadership style
  • managing activities and processes
  • decision-making process
  • conflict management
  • performance appraisal

The life of the team

  • team activity planning
  • effective communication
  • the role of trust and cooperation
  • the decision-making process
  • results assessment

The team performance assessment

  • results achieved with regard to
    • initial goals
    • goals of the organization
  • effectiveness assessment and individual performance
  • lessons learned


Two-five days, according to specific needs


Arduino Mancini

Le definizioni presentate nel glossario non hanno la pretesa di essere esaustive o rigorose: esse sono riportate nella forma impiegata nei contesti in cui mi sono trovato a operare e intendono rappresentare un semplice aiuto per quanti vogliano sapere di più circa il significato di alcuni termini incontrati sul blog.