MAN – Tools and methods for defining company strategy and organization

Training course introduction

What is a company’s mission? How can you identify it? What is a business strategy? Why does a company need an organizational strategy? Mission, vision and strategy are concepts widely used that we find difficult to clearly define and communicate in the organization. This training course is designed to help participants identify the methods and instruments for defining concepts essential to the company strategy, so that it will be possible to  communicate them both within and outside the organization, thus supporting effective business management.


To help participants identify tools, methods and processes which can be used to define and implement company and organization strategy.


Entrepreneurs, managers and human resources manager who are responsible for strategic and organizational definition.

Training languages

Italian, English


  • Strategy: meaning and context
  • Why do we need a business strategy?
  • Mission, vision, strategy: definition, bonds, communication
  • Examples of company strategy statements
  • Discover and take advantage of strategic know-how and skills
  • Discovering the company strategy through the focus group
  • Basic elements to size the organization on the basis of skills, job profile and functions
  • The job profile: how to define and manage it
  • Bringing new personnel to the organization: the training plan
  • Linking salary to the organization objectives

Training method

  • Learning by experience
  • The trainer helps participants to “discover” the various topics and to face situations that are technically similar to those they are used to deal with or they are expected to


Two days or more, according to the Client’s needs


Arduino Mancini

Le definizioni presentate nel glossario non hanno la pretesa di essere esaustive o rigorose: esse sono riportate nella forma impiegata nei contesti in cui mi sono trovato a operare e intendono rappresentare un semplice aiuto per quanti vogliano sapere di più circa il significato di alcuni termini incontrati sul blog.