Defining the company's strategic framework


How many of the following questions can you answer?

  • What does it mean to define a business strategy?
  • How do you define an organisation’s mission?
  • What would you do to identify your organisation’s vision?
  • Is it really essential to have a business strategy?
  • What can you do to define an organisational strategy?

The concepts I mentioned above are widely used; nevertheless, defining them clearly and giving a shared meaning is not an easy task. This course aims to help participants:

  • establish the strategic framework of their organisation;
  • formulate them to make it possible for them to communicate both internally and externally;
  • use them in the management of the business.


Help participants to define the strategic and organisational structure through effective management tools.

Who should take this course?

Business owners, managers and people with strategic/organisational responsibilities.


  • The meaning of the word strategy in different contexts
  • Why is it essential to define a business strategy?
  • Mission, vision, strategy: meaning and use
  • Examples of the definition of the strategic framework
  • The importance of sharing the corporate vision
  • Tools and methods to define the corporate strategy
  • Strategic knowledge and skills: methods to verifying their existence
  • Organisational sizing: the design of the organisation based on competences
  • The job profile and other instruments: overview of human resources management tools
  • The role of the company’s vision in motivating employees
  • The drivers of motivation

What about the learning material?

  • Course slides
  • Exercises
  • Articles about strategic and organisational issues
  • Cartoon strips
  • Recommended movies and books

Teaching method

This course has been designed and structured to promote complete immersion in the topic and the individual experience.
The participants will face situations through exercises and video clips that reproduce moments similar to the ones they face daily.
Would you like to know more about the teaching method? Click here.

Final test and certificate

At the end of the course, participants take a test; after passing it, they can download their certificate of attendance.


Sixteen hours or more, according to the Client’s needs.

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