In classroom and blended


The training courses in this category are intended to encourage participants to develop solid leadership, to serve the organization as a whole.

The leadership we help to develop has nothing in common with the much desired charismatic leadership; the leadership model that inspires our training courses aims to:

  • drive change towards a likely future;
  • generate an organizational culture inspired by widespread responsibility;
  • generate new knowledge and competitive advantage.

To learn more about each course, click on the title.



Women's Leadership - The training course that makes it effective

Why a course on Women’s Leadership? In this course we will cover the topic of Women’s Leadership, striving to answer some key questions: Is leadership male or female? Why is it so difficult for a woman to gain access to top management roles? Are women-led companies doing better or worse? Why do women in charge […]

Effective leadership

The foundation of leadership

Introduction Millions of books and papers have been published about leadership over time; apparently, very few things are to be discovered. The concept of leadership is affected by many clichés; for example, the common belief that leadership is an innate characteristic of the individual: leader, according to some, you are born My experience as a […]

Leadership Development Program

Introduction The Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a training program aimed at developing leadership as a broad skill in the organisation: it is designed to deliver persistent results that have a significant impact on individual and organisational performance, which can rarely be achieved by capitalising on individual talent. Experience has convinced me that solid leadership […]