t post

I am Arduino Mancini, and this is my blog.

I offer insights and training tools for people who want to develop effective thinking and improve their performance, at work and in private life.

Training, career management, glass ceiling, job search, boss and people management, critical thinking, negotiation, gender diversity are just some of the topics we will discuss: at the bottom, to the right, you find the post’s categories.

To complete the panorama of the tools at your disposal, you will find reviews of books and movies, training courses and coaching programmes for people, groups and organisations.

A characteristic of this blog?

I believe that the task of a blogger is not to dispense truth, but to leave the reader at least a doubt to be kept within his notes: and questions to share with the tibicon community.

Read from you soon!

It is more complicated than you might expect...

Could you explain the meaning of the word cooperation?

2024 July 24 | by Arduino Mancini Quotes - Resilience

We often hear and talk about cooperation: in organizational, political, and social contexts in general. It is a widely shared opinion that the solution to many complex situations requires a higher extent of cooperation. However, explaining its authentic meaning is not simple at all. Listen to how the poet Maya Angelou has admirably done it. […]

Find out in this cartoon strip!

Why not taking risks can be... risky!

2024 July 16 | by Arduino Mancini Leadership - Survival Tactics

The cartoon’s moral? If you want to be cautious and stay on the defensive to play it safe, at least make sure you can tie the score by your opponent. And that the habit of defending does not make you forget how to make a goal. What do you think?

Can we manage them as we wish, deciding when to exhibit one and when the other?

Public and private face

2024 July 10 | by Arduino Mancini Resilience

The interest in the falsity of the people we come across is triggered by the danger they may represent. This morning I read this Nathaniel Hawthorne quote, which may be further and useful food for thought. No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally […]

Listen to Karl Kraus' suggestion!

How to minimize the risk of writing banalities?

2024 July 02 | by Arduino Mancini Training and development

Banality, I must confess, is for me a real nightmare. When you have a blog and have chosen to be present on social networks, it is difficult to write about interesting stuff all the time and avoid the temptation to “make volume.” How can you prevent or significantly lower the risk of writing banalities? Reading […]

Here is something I suggest you pay special attention to...

False people, how to recognize them?

2024 June 26 | by Arduino Mancini Effective communication - Survival Tactics

It is a serious matter for all of us, particularly when we hold positions of responsibility as well as power. Listen to what Plutarch thinks about it. The phony, like an octopus, adapts himself to situations. He who wants to expose his ruse must show to change his purposes, blaming the lifestyle he was praising […]

Here is an infallible strategy!

How to downsize the vanity, in a person?

2024 June 18 | by Arduino Mancini Heuristics and biases - Resilience

We live in a time when vanity is a major driver of human actions. How can we define it? Several sources converge in defining vanity as self-complacency, overconfidence in one’s abilities, and in attracting others. With a close connection to narcissism. The term vanity comes from the Latin vanus, which stands for vain, empty, useless, […]

I know someone who dared to do this...

Would you leave your job because you feel incompetent?

2024 June 05 | by Arduino Mancini Salary raise - Training and development

Dear Minister, I was informed that you appointed me as director of the Ministry of Public Works. I thank you for the honour you have given me, but I do not have the technical knowledge necessary for a director of Public Works and I could not, without public damage and reproach of my conscience, take […]

Here is what you can do to lower the chance of doing silly things...

Why does stupidity never rest?

2024 May 28 | by Arduino Mancini Heuristics and biases

Momma says stupid is as stupid does. This is what used to say Forrest Gump in the homonymous film, meaning by this that stupidity is not so much a people attribute but a characteristic of human behaviour. In short, even smart people do stupid things: the good news is that they also can benefit from […]

This seems it happened a few years ago in Belarus. Want to know more?

Can a fox shoot the hunter?

2024 May 14 | by Arduino Mancini Training and development

A few years ago, the news agencies beat out a surprising story: a fox shot the hunter and sent him to the hospital. The facts. In the Grodno region of Belarus, a hunter shot a fox, only succeeding in wounding it. After shooting the fox, the man approached it trying to immobilize and kill it with […]

Yes, it does. Look at the cartoon strip!

Does uncovering "the game" helps stop "playing"?

2024 May 01 | by Arduino Mancini Managing meetings

Yes, stating what you think about specific situations in meetings can be ” unpleasant” or even damage relationships. What to do then? A rather popular route is to hold informal meetings “later”, spilling the beans with the boss, who may like to receive “confidential” information, or colleagues we know are on our side. Best at […]