t post
Donna Prassede will tell you why!

You should not get (too) fond of your ideas...

2024 April 24 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking

I will explain this by reading a passage by Alessandro Manzoni from The Betrothed. Here it is. With ideas donna Prassede behaved as they say one must do with friends: she had few; but to those few, she was very fond. Among the few, there were by misfortune many of the crooked ones; and they […]

Ethologist and Nobel Prize Konrad Lorenz has no doubts. Find out why in this post!

Does it pay to be a contrarian?

2024 April 16 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Heuristics and biases

One of the main, as well as ordinary, aspects of my work, is to define the boundaries of situations before determining the actions to be taken. When I am dealing with many, sometimes too many people, offering the same interpretation of a given situation, my mind goes to this excerpt from Konrad Lorenz, taken from […]

Listen to what Ennio Flaiano has to say about it.

Why is stupidity so successful?

2023 October 10 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Quotes

Listen to what Ennio Flaiano wrote in 1969 in Il Corriere della Sera about stupidity: Stupidity has made enormous progress. It is a Sun that cannot be watched fixedly. Thanks to the media, it is not even the same anymore, it feeds on other myths, it sells itself a lot, it has made fun of […]

Seven good rules will help you!

How to manage an expert effectively?

2023 September 13 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Heuristics and biases

More and more often we encounter situations in which we need to call on experts, that is, people with knowledge and experience in a specific topic, superior to the ones we can rely on as an individual, group or organization. In my experience, ascertaining whether we are actually in the presence of an expert in […]

Three questions to defeat your liking bias!

Do you prefer to buy or to be sold?

2023 June 07 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Heuristics and biases

How often it happened to you to buy things that you did not need? Or to buy from one person rather than another without the quality of what you were about to buy playing a crucial role? Much more than you imagine, I bet. In this post, I want to focus on a mechanism that […]

Can we trust them?

The arrogance of people who seek to predict the future

2023 May 25 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking

Politicians, economists, witch doctors of various kinds, and people often focused on catching the spotlight with their predictions of the future. But is it really possible to know what the future holds for us? We have always tried to answer the question with astrology, and other forms of superstition by appealing to so-called experts, refusing […]

A lot: in this cartoon strip I tell you why!

How much is ignorance worth?

2022 July 21 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking

I don’t think I need to add something. Do you?

What about yours?

My 7 best intentions for 2022

2022 January 13 | by Arduino Mancini Critical thinking - Effective thinking

The New Year usually opens with best wishes and the hope that the future will be more generous with us than in the past. However, I believe that simply wishing for a benevolent chance is not enough to guarantee a better future. For this reason, this year I decided to help Lady Luck by identifying […]

And why should you follow them carefully!

The 7 tips for getting off the Procrustes bed

2021 August 31 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Heuristics and biases

Who is Procrustes? And for what reason should you (quickly…) get off of his bed? Procrustes is a character recorded in Greek mythology as living on Mount Corydalle, along the sacred road linking Eleusis and Athens, who offered hospitality to pilgrims: a generous dinner was followed by a rest on a bed that he wished […]

Here is a test to assess your knowledge of a specific topic

Do you really know what you think you know?

2021 July 06 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Training and development

Today I want to talk to you about a test that might be useful in assessing your knowledge on a specific matter. It is a short test that I learned to take on two important occasions: whenever I am about to face a task that is new to me, at least partially; when I want […]