t post
I have a question for you

Why is fake news so faster than authentic ones?

2021 June 07 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Quotes

In a famous quote Mark Twain states that… … a lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots. This one finds many echoes in everyday life, from journalism to professional information, to the extreme of calumny. Why does all of this happen? What are the aspects […]

A foolproof method for achieving success through mistakes

The 7 steps to make systematic errors

Situations like the one in the cartoon are quite common, especially in organizations where the culture of blame has deep roots. Situations that make us ask a few questions: Why are we so afraid of error? Can make mistakes, in certain circumstances, have advantages? How can we transform error into a learning opportunity? In this […]

An extremely instructive experiment

Can you express your opinion when everyone thinks differently from you?

2021 April 21 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking

Have you ever experienced a feeling of discomfort in maintaining your opinion when everyone around you has a different view? No? Good for you! But if you have felt embarrassed at least once, you should be aware that it has been a difficult experience for many others. Anyone who tries to manipulate our thinking goes […]