Managing a successful meeting


Decision-making processes are getting more and more interconnected, and the meeting is among the essential tools that organisations use to give solution to complex situations.
The difficulties people encounter in managing meetings leaves a sense of widespread frustration, due to various factors: doubts about the actual need for the meeting, endless discussions on issues no one is ready to give up, action points not clearly defined, agenda that changes during the meeting, and so on.
For these reasons, it is essential that people are well prepared in managing meetings: this will improve teamwork, help to solve complex problems and improve the organisation’s functioning.


Support the development of skills related to the preparation, management, the conclusion of a meeting, without forgetting the actions points.

Who should take this course?

People be called to manage or attend meetings, especially if their role may have an impact on the outcome.


What is a meeting and what is it for

  • Definition of meeting
  • When the meeting is needed and when it is not
  • The internal meeting and the meeting with “external” people
  • Why a meeting fails

The preparation of the meeting

  • Define the objectives and the agenda
  • Identify the participants
  • Estimate the duration
  • Call the meeting

The dynamics of the meeting: communication and perception

  • Structural aspects of communication
  • The role of perception in communication
  • The importance of understanding that people have different views
  • The role of non-verbal communication

Management of the meeting

  • The role of the participants
  • Use questions to develop options and find solutions
  • Manage objections and limit the risk of conflict
  • Encourage participation by all and curbing “exuberant” people
  • Traps and behaviours to avoid
  • Sharing results
  • Summarise, identify the next steps and responsibilities

The virtual meeting

  • What to do when we must meet, and we’re not in the same place
  • The importance of technology: the communication tools to adopt
  • What if at the last minute technology does not perform properly?
  • Tips to prevent or overcome technological drawbacks
  • How to manage communication when people are in the meeting but not on the screen

After the meeting

  • The minutes and their distribution
  • The actions points
  • Verifying the implementation of the action points and related objectives

What about the learning material?

  • Course slides
  • Exercises
  • Articles about the management of a meeting
  • Cartoon strips
  • Recommended movies and books

Teaching method

This course has been designed and structured to promote complete immersion in the topic and the individual experience.
The participants will face situations through exercises and video clips that reproduce moments similar to the ones they face daily.
Would you like to know more about the teaching method? Click here.

Final test and certificate

At the end of the course, participants take a test; after passing it, they can download their certificate of attendance.


Sixteen hours or more.

    Want more information? Contact me now!
