Successful Sales Negotiations


Sales negotiation is essential in achieving tangible results and increase turnover.
Sales staff, managers and entrepreneurs are involved in negotiations in which mastering the proper techniques and employing the appropriate negotiating style help achieve the desired results.


Address issues related to negotiation models in which the price is perceived as the primary variable, as well as tips for restructuring the negotiation context that can facilitate the closing and increase the satisfaction of the parties involved.

Who should take this course?

The course is designed for salespeople, buyers and those who want to improve their negotiating skills.


Negotiation and related concepts

  • Negotiation as a means of settling conflicting interests
  • Identify the structure of the negotiation, interests and objectives of the involved parties
  • Define tactics and negotiating strategy

The role of perception

  • The importance of information as a means of interpreting the structure of the negotiations
  • To acquire the awareness that reality can be perceived differently by the parties involved
  • Tips for looking at reality with different eyes

Negotiating keeping a specific position

  • I win, you lose: negotiation as a zero-sum game
  • The difference between hard and soft negotiation style: the role of power
  • When you should be soft and when being inflexible would make you win
  • When, to triumph, you end up losing everything

Planning the negotiations accurately

  • Why the success of the negotiation lies mainly in its preparation
  • Identify the negotiation phases and treat them individually, carefully planning your actions
  • Analyse in detail all aspects of the negotiation so as not to neglect the key points

Restructuring the negotiation

  • Give new structure to the negotiation context: leave your hard/soft position and start negotiating cooperatively
  • Why it is in your interest to pay attention to the needs of your counterpart
  • Learn to develop options as a means of not remaining closed in the price angle
  • Tips for using the paradox to restructure the negotiation context

What about the learning material?

  • Course slides
  • Exercises
  • Articles about sales negotiation
  • Cartoon strips
  • Recommended movies and books

Teaching method

This course has been designed and structured to promote complete immersion in the topic and the individual experience.
The participants will face situations through exercises and video clips that reproduce moments similar to the ones they face daily.
Would you like to know more about the teaching method? Click here.

Final test and certificate

At the end of the course, participants take a test; after passing it, they can download their certificate of attendance.


Sixteen hours or more.

    Want more information? Contact me now!
