t movies

Mystery, logic, emotion, sensuality: all in this engaging film
Directed by Álex de la Iglesia - 2008 - Spain, UK - 108 min

The Oxford Murders

2021 September 16 | by Arduino Mancini Asking questions - Critical thinking - Cryme and Thriller

The film (based on the homonymous novel by Guillermo Martínez) is set in Oxford and tells the story of Martin, a young mathematics student from the United States who arrives in the English city to meet Professor Arthur Seldom, for whom he has great admiration. He aims to propose to the professor a topic for […]

A film that will teach you how to watch the world through other people's eyes.
Directed by J. Frankenheimer - 1998 - Usa - 121 min.


Five people, with no previous contact between them and experts in arms, spying, intelligence and jobless after the process of relaxation following the end of the Cold War, meet in an old warehouse in the heart of Paris. The five are hired for their experience: Sam is an expert in weapons and military strategies; Larry […]

Directed by Billy Wilder - 1957 - USA - 116 min.

Witness for the Prosecution

2019 July 19 | by Arduino Mancini Asking questions - Critical thinking - Cryme and Thriller

Vole, an English gentleman, is accused of murdering a rich widow. The will of the murdered woman, drawn up a few days before his death, appoints the alleged murderer as heir to a considerable part of his wealth. Vole’s situation is made even more difficult by the ambiguous attitude of his wife Christine, a German […]

Directed by G. Fleder - 2003 - USA - 127 min.

Runaway Jury

The film is set in New Orleans and based on a novel by John Grisham. A recently fired employee enters his old office and shoots madly. Two years later, the widow of one of the victims sues the company that produced the weapon used for her husband’s murder. The process risks compromising the interests of […]

Directed by Gary Fleder – 2003 – Usa – 127 min.

Runaway jury

Wendell Rohr is a torts lawyer taking on the gun lobby. Rankin Fitch is the jury consultant for the Defendants and between them the battle is for the hearts and minds of the jury. But there is someone on the inside. Nicholas Easter is a juror with a girlfriend, Marlee, on the outside. they have […]