t movies

Why would anyone want to kill Veronica Guerin?
Directed by Joel Schumacher - 2003 - USA, Ireland, UK – 98 min

Veronica Guerin

2021 December 01 | by Arduino Mancini Conflict - Cryme and Thriller - Money and Finance - Politics - Women's Stories

Veronica Guerin is an eclectic Irish woman who, after studying accounting, works first in her father’s company, then founds a public relations firm; finally, after 7 years, she returns to work as a secretary in a different business. The film’s protagonist is also involved politically, and in 1987 she becomes election agent and party treasurer […]

Directed by Oliver Stone - 1987 - USA - 125 min.

Wall street

This movie portrays a cruel analysis of what was behind the big business of the 80s. A young and ambitious stockbroker, fascinated by Gordon Gekko, a real Wall Street legend for power, prestige and financial ability, is drawn into the illegal world of insider trading. The man’s goal is to make money, to get out […]

Directed by G. Fleder - 2003 - USA - 127 min.

Runaway Jury

The film is set in New Orleans and based on a novel by John Grisham. A recently fired employee enters his old office and shoots madly. Two years later, the widow of one of the victims sues the company that produced the weapon used for her husband’s murder. The process risks compromising the interests of […]

How motivation can overcome despair and lead to success: the story of Chris Gardner
Directed by Gabriele Muccino - 2006 - Usa - 117 minutes

The Pursuit of Happiness

Chris Gardner is a father who sells electromedical equipment and is struggling to support his family. Despite brave attempts to keep marriage and family life alive, the mother of little Christopher, who is only five years old, can no longer cope with the pressures and decides to leave. Chris, turned into a single father, continues […]

Directed by Gary Fleder – 2003 – Usa – 127 min.

Runaway jury

Wendell Rohr is a torts lawyer taking on the gun lobby. Rankin Fitch is the jury consultant for the Defendants and between them the battle is for the hearts and minds of the jury. But there is someone on the inside. Nicholas Easter is a juror with a girlfriend, Marlee, on the outside. they have […]