t books

The success strategies of unknown world market leaders
Hermann Simon - Springer New York - 2009 - 402 pages

Hidden Champions of the 21st Century

2024 March 20 | by Arduino Mancini Critical thinking - Leadership - Resilience

When you’re drinking Coca-Cola, the name Jungbunzlauer is very unlikely to be the first thing that springs into your mind. But this Austrian-Swiss global company supplies the citric acid for every Coca-Cola produced and sold. That’s what Hermann Simon would call: a Hidden Champion company. You might be surprised to learn that: Whether you visit […]

The psychology of human relationships
Eric Berne - Penguin Books - 2016 - 176 pages

Games People Play

2023 June 01 | by Arduino Mancini Education - Resilience

In everyday life, we encounter situations that often end up following recurring communication patterns: the staff member harassed by the boss, the alcoholic who does everything not to be rescued, the perpetually busy person happy to have no time to breathe-these are cases that we all have encountered at least once in our lives and […]

The Universal Laws of Success
Albert-László Barabási - Pan Macmillan - 2018 - 320 p.

The formula

2023 March 23 | by Arduino Mancini Education - Resilience

A good friend of mine, an experienced bookseller, one day recommended to buying this book. “Read it, you will find it interesting enough to use in your work, and you’ll recommend it to the readers of your blog”. He was absolutely right; I ate the book in one go and here I am writing a […]

The psychology of persuasion
Robert B. Cialdini – 2021 - Harperbusiness – 568 pages


2022 November 17 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking - Resilience - Sales

Before I tell you why it is in your interest to read this book, I would like you to answer a few questions: Why do we buy more from a kind and/or good-looking person than from one we do not find so pleasant? Why when someone invites you to dinner you feel obliged to return […]

Better laugh at pessimism, especially when it says nonsense!
Arthur Bloch - Mandarin - 1979 - 96 pages

Murphy's Law

2022 September 22 | by Arduino Mancini Critical thinking - Resilience

Is it worth buying a worldwide best seller, which even today is influencing the way millions of people think? Before answering, it is important to know more about the book. In 1949, US Air Force aircraft engineer Captain Ed Murphy, observing the progress of some of his experiments, said: Anything that can go wrong, will […]

A book that many would like you NOT to read
Different authors and editions

The 36 Stratagems

2022 January 13 | by Arduino Mancini Conflict and Games Theory - Negotiation - Resilience

Some preliminary information A book you are unlikely to be recommended because, like The Art of War, those who have read it tend to keep to themselves what they learned. The book is an ancient masterpiece of Chinese thinking and probably dates back to the end of the Ming era (1368-1644); since then, it has […]

How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
Martin E. P. Seligman - 2006 - Vintage Editions, Penguin Books - 319 pages

Learned Optimism

2021 September 08 | by Arduino Mancini Resilience

The book helps to answer several very important questions: why are some people successful and others seem destined to fail in all their ventures? why do some people never give up? And what are their characteristics? can the feeling of powerlessness (the belief that what happens is not under our control) be learned or is […]