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Ten things that will make the new year a better one
2023 December 28 |

Here we are finally in the New Year, and we are leaving behind an undeniably difficult one.
How is the coming year looking?
To say that the worst is over is excessive, just as it is inappropriate to think that everything depends on external factors, independent of our control.
What can we do, individually, to contribute so that the New Year will be better than the one we have left behind?
Here are ten things I promise myself to (continue to) do, which I want to share with you:
- Avoid wasting time and money on gambling.
- Avoid wasting time and money on horoscopes, fortune tellers or magicians of any kind.
- Keeping away from generalization, the mother of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.
- Preventing worry from consuming my energy, which I can more usefully employ in finding solutions.
- Relying on myself even before the help of others, especially if I am looking for a job or want to change it.
- Encourage sons to follow their talents and do what I can to support them.
- Be wary of those who ask for my trust and to be relied upon without producing convincing arguments.
- Do not accept or make payments off the books, for any reason or entity, and pay taxes.
- To give my input whenever I have the opportunity, even though making my idea may take time and effort, because …
- … stop believing that one person, no matter how well prepared, can solve all our problems will only help us make our country a place where living pays off.
What do you think?
Would you add something to my list?
Happy New Year!
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