t post
An extremely dangerous strategy...

Is it worth getting a salary raise by bluffing?

2021 November 03 | by Arduino Mancini Salary raise - Survival Tactics

I’ve recently collected several stories that sound like the one I’m going to share with you today. The employee is commonly 30 to 40 years old and has a good position in the company. Usually, the people concerned have a technical or commercial profile and are in that grey area where salaries, even when in […]

Sure, and in this post I'll tell you why!


2021 October 27 | by Arduino Mancini Survival Tactics

Talking behind your colleagues’ backs has more benefits than drawbacks. Don’t you agree? I’ll share my reasons right now. Imagine that you are in a rather common situation in which a colleague of yours has done something stupid: one of those things that you would never do, not even by accident. Want an example? Well, […]

When fortune may be confused with competence

Better to be good or lucky?

2021 September 16 | by Arduino Mancini Survival Tactics - Training and development

There is a widespread tendency to seek shortcuts to success: the TV appearance and the lottery ticket often replace a serious skill-building plan. But what happens when, especially in business, fortune is mistaken for competence? Nothing wrong with that, actually! However, it is important to be aware of one’s own ability to manage the business […]

Well, here is what you should NOT do...

You're late for a meeting. What do you do?

2021 July 13 | by Arduino Mancini Survival Tactics

Do you use to justify your delay, even though no one asked you to? And what justification you use to placate the irritation of people who are waiting for you? Here are some, among the most popular ones: Traffic like never before! The alarm clock didn’t go off… My son didn’t want to get up! […]