t post

I am Arduino Mancini, and this is my blog.

I offer insights and training tools for people who want to develop effective thinking and improve their performance, at work and in private life.

Training, career management, glass ceiling, job search, boss and people management, critical thinking, negotiation, gender diversity are just some of the topics we will discuss: at the bottom, to the right, you find the post’s categories.

To complete the panorama of the tools at your disposal, you will find reviews of books and movies, training courses and coaching programmes for people, groups and organisations.

A characteristic of this blog?

I believe that the task of a blogger is not to dispense truth, but to leave the reader at least a doubt to be kept within his notes: and questions to share with the tibicon community.

Read from you soon!

I think this post can help you avoid mine!

The four most common mistakes in the performance appraisal

2022 November 23 | by Arduino Mancini Reprimand Praise feedback

As a manager, I can’t say that I was effective in giving feedback; and I discovered I made more than one mistake when designing my training courses focused on the topic. Now I am going to tell you about some mistakes I made; I will talk about the feedback the boss gives to the staff […]

I present them in this post. To find out they are not male-exclusive!


2022 November 10 | by Arduino Mancini Leadership

Let’s face it honestly: many people, male or female, dream to develop traits that bring them closer to a charismatic leader. A leader who, obviously a man, appears naturally equipped to lead groups, organizations or even states with broad consensus; one who always knows where to go and for that reason, many find it comfortable […]

When keeping a low profile can prove fruitful


2022 November 03 | by Arduino Mancini Stratagems to succeed

The stratagem I’m going to present to you is from the book The 36 stratagems, a Chinese masterpiece that can be of interest to anyone involved in conflict situations: in business, politics, and private life.   Literal translation Would rather pretend to be confused than to act, never pretend to be clever and act rashly. Be […]

I tell you with a short video clip

When you feel you can't cope, what can you do?

2022 October 26 | by Arduino Mancini Resilience

I have unearthed Paralympic Games trailers that will leave you speechless: let me introduce you to one of them, and then I will tell you why it may be quite useful.     Who can find inspiration in these short videos? I would say three distinct categories of people. First, people who are affected by […]

In this post, I will introduce you to 7 of them!

How many kinds of salespeople have you met so far?

2022 October 20 | by Arduino Mancini Sales - Selection Interview

Lately, a Client asked a question that scared me: Would you please arrange a sales course for us? A basic one… Why is that question so frightening? I will tell you right now. My analysis of businesses purchasing behaviours leads to identifying no less than 7 sales professionals. Here they are: the sales-teller, the salesperson […]

Is it true that Asians don’t ask?

The Art of “Bothering”

2022 October 14 | by Monica Zhuang Critical thinking - Exploring cultures

The idea of not “bothering” other people is intriguing; it typically depends on each person’s personality but may frequently be embodied in Asian culture. Confucius’ “己所不欲,勿施于人” (Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you) is deeply rooted in every Chinese’s mindset. Likewise, in Japanese culture, “他人に迷惑を掛ける” meaning to annoy/bother others, […]

Prevail when the opponent is in trouble

The 36 stratagems - 5 - Loot a burning house

2022 October 13 | by Arduino Mancini Senza categoria - Stratagems to succeed

The stratagem I’m going to present to you is from the book The 36 stratagems, a Chinese masterpiece that can be of interest to anyone involved in conflict situations: in business, politics and private life.   Literal translation When the enemy is in danger, take advantage of the opportunity to attack to win.   Interpretation of […]

The typical stratagem of change transition

The 36 stratagems - 20 - Clouding the water to catch the fish

2022 October 10 | by Arduino Mancini Stratagems to succeed

The stratagem I’m going to present to you is from the book The 36 stratagems, a Chinese masterpiece that can be of interest to anyone involved in conflict situations: in business, politics, and private life.   Literal translation Exploit the enemy’s internal chaos, also taking advantage of his weakness and lack of initiative, to force him […]

To me, it has always been very difficult.

Can you provide a simple definition of success?

2022 October 10 | by Arduino Mancini Training and development

But one day I came across a quote by American writer Bessie A. Stanley that made my mind clear. A quote I want to share with you today.   He has achieved success and has lived well, laughed often and loved much. Who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little […]

This post will help you find the answers!


2022 September 15 | by Arduino Mancini Training and development

My last intercompany training course was about critical thinking, a topic particularly suitable for the three questions I usually ask participants at the beginning: why did you decide to participate? what do you expect from the course? what information did you collect about me? Participants confirmed the attitude to decide whether or not to participate […]